I renounce my human rights, as set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations.
1* By accepting human rights, my consent is no longer required for actions to protect these rights. It is in the nature of universal human rights that, once accepted, the invitation is extended to those with the power to protect me. These rights are de facto seen as something for which consent is unnecessary
2* In reality this has come to mean, that powerful states feel that they have been given a de facto invitation, to militarily intervene anywhere on earth. The logic of human rights facilitates military expansionism. Since they are considered a "right", no consent is necessary to declare them. Since they are considered universal moral values, no objection to their enforcement can be valid. And since they are universal, no person or group can opt out from this enforcement. In this way an ethic is created, in which a superpower can conquer the world, claim it had a moral duty to do so.
4* Any oppression can be reformulated as a so-called "right". In practice, the enforcement of human rights imposes a value system. The European liberal and capitalist tradition /the Anglo-American liberalism.
5* The meaning of "protecting human rights" has been expanded without my consent, and in a way which I can not control. By “agreeing” to have my human rights "protected" by those powerful enough to do so, I have submitted, in the end, to whatever form of protection they choose. The appropriate action is to renounce the system entirely.
6* If I accept that I may not renounce "rights", which were declared for me by others (before I was even born), then I have ceased to be a free individual with a conscience.
En face de chaque droit, se trouve un devoir. ( Sorry, could not put it in English). I see my "human rights" as a reminder about basic things that should help us to live together in this wolrd a bit longer. Having said that, if you renounce your "human rights":you, Kochyz, human being, are not born free and equal in dignity and rights. You are not endowed with reason and conscience and should not act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood...Errr, are you sure you want to renounce your "human rights"?
Good luck my friend, life is gonna be tough!
Because that is the thing: we do not even live in a society that allows human beings to renounce or not their human rights!!!
My dear Remi, it was clear to me what kind of rights I was rejecting. Maybe I should have been more precise. What did I mean? 'basic things that should help us live together in this world a bit longer' have existed since the begining of humanity. There are countless people who have never heard of the so-called Human rights. Still they in peace. Why? Because they simply value each other. Their ability to value fellow beings is an innate capacity. They do not need a 'declaration' to teach them something they naturally possess. The present human rights declaration, approaches the 'human' from a European/Anglo-American perspective and interest. It represents a small group of people. In this time and age,it is illustrated by capitalism. It
has created an international club of wealthy people who use these "rights", to letigimise their greed and explotation. This is what I reject. I need security, food, shelter, love,etc. I recognise these rights and will never deny them to anyone. Can u see my point?
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Of course I can see your point. What is sad is that we cannot live together today without any kind of rules. The Human rights are rules, because we are too stupid without.
Food, love and shelter, yes, that is what it is all about, but because of our greed ( each one of us has greed within himself), we need rules.
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