Man or Woman? * Homme ou Femme?

At birth, we are put in one of two categories(Man or Woman) according to these physical characteristics. But are these really enough to define someone's gender? No. According to this man. These pictures show the same person before and after a chirurgical operation. There are 15 others that gruesomely show the chirurgical transformation of his penis into a vagina. They will all be posted here in the following days(not for the faint-hearted). Watch this space. I consider people visiting my blog to be over 18. Therefore I have no qualms about posting these photos.
* A la naissance, nous sommes assignés a une de deux categories(Homme ou Femme) en fonction des characteristiques physiques ci-dessus. Mais sont elles suffisantes pour reellement definir notre categorie sexuelle? Non, en ce qui concerne cet homme. Ces deux photos montrent la meme personne avant et apres une operation chirurgicale. Il y en a 15 autres qui montrent de facon explicite et sanglante la transformation de son penis en vagin. Elles seront toutes postées sur ce blog dans les jours a venir(coeurs sensibles s'abstenir). Je considere que les personnes visitant mon blog sont toutes majeures. Ces photos sont donc postees en consequence.
We are shocked!!! Please, explain us all this, Kochyz, we don't understand!!!
Leo and Cannelle
Yes listen class or teacher will dish out homeworks!
Hey man! Had a look on your blog and got one of my biggest shock of this 21st century. What are you trying to say? We all strongly believe there's a hidden message behind all these shocking and almost horrible images. But hey! why should we assume?! The greatest strengh of a man is to assume what he pretends to be. In all honesty and fairness. "I am who I am" they say. The closet is an unsecure quantity.
'We all believe there is a hidden message behind all these...' Possibly, since I don't know which prism you're looking through. But I do not see any other message except the one I laid down before you: The Y chromosome sometimes does a poor job at shaping our masculinity. Most of the time it gets the physical characteristics right. But sometimes it fails to 'configure' the other part. The behavioural and psychological attributs that society conventionally attributs to a male. Those who find themselves in that situation, resort to surgery to put things 'right'.
Now what the insecurity of the closet has to do with the 'hidden message', I don't know.
Anyway, thank you for stopping by. Whoever you are, appreciate your feedback.
Do you assume surgery is the solution?
If not how do they cope in the same society after undergoing THAT surgery?
Or do the society has a different view of them once they have shape "down under" by means of surgery?
Though society sometimes plays a big part in human's behaviour most of those going to such extreme knew at a very early stage in their life they were trapped in the wrong body.
Meaning they were unaware of society's influences. They then resort to surgery to repair or correct that uncertainty about their sexuality.
Society is not always responsible for one's fate. WE at times can free make choices in our own good.
Is it not true?
The Y chromosome is not a perfect 'designer'. When it gets things wrong, the impact can be so severe as to drive some people to extreme measures. This is simply the point I was making.
Surgery is not the solution as a pacemaker is not a genuine substitute for a heart. But at least it gives a sense of normality as far as the individual is concerned.
The way society perceives an individual can be influenced but to a limited degree. When I meet a 'Woman' in the street, my assumption of her gender is mostly based on her visible physical characteristics. These visible physical characteristics can be 'faked' by surgery. Therefore society's view can be sometimes moulded.
But on the other hand, society also put its member in rigid categories. If you are born male(birth certificate), you'll die male. Whether you had surgery or not. some dimensions of our identity is not solely decided by us. In that sense society as a whole won't have different perspective of someone who had a sex change.
I couldn't work out what point you were trying to make in the last part of your comment: ' Though society sometimes it not true?
From what I understand, I think we don't always need society's feedback to know which sexual 'box' we belong to. To a certain extent we 'freely' shape our own identity. Where one stands today is a combination of decisions one has taken over the years. Society can't be blamed for everything. No doubt about that.
Did I assume anything?
je voudrais dabord dire apropos de muhmed alis que je soutient ses idees parce que dabord il faut accept que la peau noir exist et etre fiel d'etre noir,comme malcom x diser que vous voulez ou pas les noirs doivent vivre et c'est la glace de dieu que les noirs jusqu'a present survivent,donc mon frere je soutient votre site mais je n'accepte pas les changement de sex ca c'est le demont de l' c'est de la part de freddy votre collegue de l'exel.
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