Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel 1770 - 1831

This philosopher stated that 'Africa has no history'. He couldn't be more wrong.
'That mis-education of the Caucasians led to arrogance with an unfounded racial superiority belief system'. Egypt is a greek word meaning 'black'. (Dr Theophile Obenga).
From the 1st to the 25 dynasty, Egypt have been ruled by black pharaons. Did u know that? Most people are not aware of this fact.
Black Egyptians were eventually mixed with invading Libyans, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Turks, Arabs and Western Europeans. That is where the mixed people of the modern-day Arabs come from. History is written by the winners.
This is supporting by a huge body of evidence from The African Origin of Civilization + Nations Negres et Culture by: Cheikh Anta Diop. Who ever wants to argue against this historical fact, has got to be well prepared.
EVIDENCE FROM PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY: The skeletons and skulls of the Ancient Egyptians clearly reflect they were Negroid people with features very similar to those of modern Black Nubians and other people of the Upper Nile and of East Africa.
Melanin Dosage Test Egyptologist Cheikh Anta Diop invented a method for determining the level of melanin in the skin of human beings. When conducted on Egyptian mummies in the Museum of Man in Paris, this test indicated these remains were of Black people.
OSTEOLOGICAL EVIDENCE: "Lepsius canon," which distinguishes the bodily proportions of various racial groups categories the "ideal Egyptian" as "short-armed and of Negroid or Negrito physical type."
EVIDENCE FROM BLOOD TYPES: Diop notes that even after hundreds of years of inter-mixture with foreign invaders, the blood type of modern Egyptians is the "same group B as the populations of western Africa on the Atlantic seaboard and not the A2 Group characteristic of the white race prior to any crossbreeding."
THE EGYPTIANS AS THEY SAW THEMSELVES: "The Egyptians had only one term to designate themselves =kmt= the Negroes (literally). This is the strongest term existing in the Pharaonic tongue to indicate blackness; it is accordingly written with a hieroglyph representing a length of wood charred at the end and not crocodile scales," singular. ‘Kmt’ from the adjective =kmt= black; it therefore means strictly Negroes or at the very least black men. The term is a collective noun which thus described the whole people of Pharaonic Egypt as a black people."
Divine Epithets Diop demonstrates that "black or Negro" is the divine epithet invariably used for the chief beneficent Gods of Egypt, while the evil spirits were depicted as red.
The Bible states that "…[t]he sons of Ham [were] Cush and Mizraim [i.e. Egypt], and Phut, and Canaan. And the sons of Cush; Seba, and Havilah, and Sabtah, and Raamah and Sabtechah." According to Biblical tradition, Ham, of course, was the father of the Black race. "Generally speaking all semitic tradition (Jewish and Arab) class ancient Egypt with the countries of the black."
CULTURAL UNITY OF EGYPT WITH THE REST OF AFRICA: Through a study of circumcision and totemism. Diop gives detailed data showing cultural unity between Egypt and the rest of Africa.
LINGUISTIC UNITY WITH SOUTHERN AND WESTERN AFRICA: In a detailed study of languages, Diop clearly demonstrates that Ancient Egyptian, modern Coptic of Egypt and Walaf of West Africa are related, with the latter two having their origin in the former.
TESTIMONY OF CLASSICAL GREEK AND ROMAN AUTHORS: Virtually all of the early Latin eyewitnesses described the Ancient Egyptians as Black skinned with wooly hair.
The seven liberal arts and sciences, which are grammar, rhetoric, logic, arithmetic, geometry, music and astronomy, come out of Africa. Therefore, to the Ancient Egyptians, and neither to the Greeks, nor to the Romans, are we indebted for the present body of human knowledge. Greece and Rome were average students in Ancient Egypt. Considered foreigners and childish, Greek students were unable to access a complete initiation and induction within the Ancient Egyptian Mystery System. Aristotle of Stagira, Thales of Miletus, Pythagoras of Samos, Diodorus of Sicily, Plato and Strabo were all initiated in Ancient Egypt, from a very young age until adulthood. Their eyewitness accounts reflect the fact that they were taught and instructed by dark skinned teachers born and raised in Africa. Greed, prestige and reputation made most of them ungrateful, when they claimed all the theories and theorems, formulas and axioms they learned in Ancient Egypt for themselves. Most Greek and Roman students of Africa committed plagiarism by signing their names on their African teachers writings, inventions,creations and productions.
Thus, we now have: "Theorem of Pythagoras", "Thales'Axiom" among many illegal appropriations of the African sciences of geometry, mathematics, architecture, rhetoric and philosophy. Those operative sciences have been invented and implemented in the heart of Africa, thousands of years before the Greeks and Romans came into existence as a distinct race!
A stolen legacy! In line with most things taken from Africa.
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