Within 48 heures of his racist comments, the bigot Pascal Sevran 'apologies'. Well to be more precise, the racist has been forced by his employer, France 2(one the leading French tv channels),to apoligise to people his comments have offended.(i.e 'BLACKS PENIS IS RESPONSIBLE FOR AFRICA'S FAMINE' 'HAVING A CHILD IN AFRICA IS A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY').
His employer and the French establishment might be pleased by this 'face-saving' spin but they can't fool France's black community. Rightly so.
They live in a nation in which it is common for people of high socio-political standing to publicly make racist comments. They instinctively knew, based on past experiences, that Sevran was going to get away with him. So a half-baked 'apology' won't make any difference to them. The press 'criticism' rang hollow. Because no serious action was going to be taken.
Fondamentally, racism derives from our human tendancy to fear whoever doesn't look like us. We de-humanize those with whom we do not share physical characteristics, religious or cultural norms. Preference to one own kind is intrinsic to every nation or community. Whether it's Britain, the Ivory Coast or France.
But although Africa has its fair share of ethnic conflicts, nowhere on that continent would you see a single territory in which racial hatred is institutionalised. Except in countries where the caucasians are the majority(South Africa, some years back). Even with our painful history of slavery and fresh memory of colonisation, we do not harbour such degree of deep-seated, entrenched hatred. Let alone institutionalised. Africans never felt the need to create 'hate political groups or parties' to deal with caucasians who live in our midst.
In every single European country however, there is an organised, legal, institutionalised, partly state-financed extreme, far-right political group. And worst still, centre-right parties have a long and documented tradition of incorporating extreme-right law, policies and thinking into their own agenda. Which further Promotes rejection and hatred for anything non-caucasian. Sevran is a pure product of that environment. And blacks as usual, are one of their favourite targets. Why? I don't know. Try if you can to understand their psyche.
This racist idiot oversteps the boundaries of his role as a simple presenter. Giving a moral lecture to Africans about what we should or shouldn't do. As if his country or himself has any moral ground from which he can dictate to Africa.
Talking about crime against humanity? Colonisation(if we put slavery aside for a minute)is nothing more than the pillage, theft, destruction of a country's resources, identity and soul. Killing its inhabitants in huge number, and still having a military base on their land. This is what crime against humanity is. The funny thing is that when you actually look up the word 'colonisation', in a french dictionary(or the Oxford dictionary) you come up with a definition that omits essential components of what happens when a land is colonised. No matter how you read the definition, you will NEVER EVER get the idea that there has been an invasion, destruction and pillage of someone's territory. If Sevran cares that much about humanity, let him address France american-like imperialist attitude in Africa. Racism run deep into the bones of this idiot. 'Racist' is written on his forehead. No amount of 'apology' or window-dressing will hide that.
In today's France, it's disturbing to see the very people who should know better, specially those like Sevran with 'education', authority and influence stuck in vile, ill-informed, outdated and extremely racist rhetorics. And these are influencial role models, people with high social recognition. People one would classify as 'normal', mainstream. This racist will carry on fronting programms that drive large audiencies. Sick! With these high profile and extremely racist guys in the French media it's understandable why there are few black french citizens in front of the camera in France. Or for that matter, why France lacks household names, high profile proeminant intellectual black figures. Like in Britain.
The French are struggling with their changing ethnic composition. But they do not feel confortable with Britain's multicultural ethnic arragement that 'works'. Whereby different ethnic groups(Blacks, Indians, pakistanis Whites, etc) live side by side within their respective cultural communities and under the same national roof. Guided by effective and inforced equal opportunities laws and policies. The French rather favor the cultural assimilation route. It's the process by which(according to Wikipedia) 'members of an ethno-cultural group are 'absorbed' into an established, generally larger community'. On paper, the French's system is the best. That has always been my view. Britain's system of integration does not encourage a GENUINE cultural interpenetration between its various ethnic groups. Apart from the white british eating curry, some british indians and pakistanis celebrating christamas and the blacks copying anything that can lift them from the bottom of the social pile, there are no real exchanges between the british.
The French propose ONE cultural environment in which everybody comes as one. France is a christian country. If you want to live in France you have to leave your particular cultural identity at the periphery of the national community and conform to its norms. The central message is, practice your cultural identity at home. But as soon as you step into the national arena(school, workplace,policics, etc), you conform to the norms of the land. Everybody as one kind of style. Can Britain syncretism compete with that? No chance.
However France cultural assimilation is good one paper but rubbish in practice. Because it's rigged by profound racism. No matter how you want to put it, France is in fact a multicultural society. Caucasians are the dominant ethnic group. They are the legislators, the judiciary and the executive. They dominate every section of national life. Since the central premisse of this system is that everybody is the same nobody bothers when blacks or arabs are largely under-represented, in the civil service for exemple. There is no sense of proportion or quotas. Guess who this thinking favours? Things have started to change mainly because French citizen from minority ethnic groups are growing in number and in recognition. Even if it's in their kind of 'reserved',favourite and secluded world of sport and music. Things have started to change because this section of the French nation has started to voice their concerns louder and assert more firmly their rights. Ten years back there was not a single black face on French TV let alone in politics. This is cultural assimilation for you. But you have to give credit where it's due. Things are taking off in the right direction. Reluctantly but at least and at last things are moving. French black and arab citizens are 'seriously' being incorporated in French politics.
Coming back to Sevran, he should have been sacked outright for a racist comment of that magnitude. To set an exemple and because it is wrong. Instead he is made to mutter an 'apology' and it's business as usual until the next racist comment.
What kind of message does that send? No wonder why these kind of racist views are rampant in France.
Keep watching this space, the next racial bigot will soon pop up.
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