Monday, January 30, 2006

Commemoration de l'esclavage

Quelle place l'esclavage occupe t'il dans la memoire collective Africaine? Cet evenement est bien sur aux premieres loges. Je me demande cependant pourquoi aucun pays Africain n'a un jour ferie, dedie a l'esclavage? C'est bien curieux.
Faudrait il, peut etre, que la France decide d'un jour a leur place.

Amour maternel. Realite ou fiction?

Aucun autre membre de la famille n'est aussi idealise et sentimentalise que la mere. A juste titre. Elle joue le role le plus important dans la vie de l'enfant et exerce sur lui (du moins elle devrait) une des meilleures influences. Sa devotion et son amour inconditionnel sont legendaires. Il existe cependant un aspect de la relation mere-enfant qui est rarement mentionne. Nous trouvons toujours de bonnes raisons pour juger ou critiquer telle ou telle femme, qui est partie avec le meilleur ami de son mari. Ou celle qui est connu pour ses commerages, ou cette autre fouteuse de merde, frivole, autoritaire, abusive, ignorante, cruelle, egocentrique, etc. Mais attribuez a l'une de ces femmes le mot magique "mere" et automatiquement elle est paree d'un halo d'amour, de bonte et de saintete. Rares sont ceux qui admettrons, a un etranger ou a eux meme, que leurs meres pourraient avoir des limites ou des defauts. Par contre elle est percue comme un repositoire de vertues. Il est incontestable que la maternite cree en la femme un disponibilite et un amour sans pareil pour son enfant. Mais cette maternite transformera difficilement une femme cruelle, stupide, intolerant, possessive, egocentrique, etc en une mere presente aux cotes de ses enfants, devouee, intelligente,attentive, sage et amour. Si la "mere" etait aussi parfaite qu'elle est caricaturee, pourquoi est elle, tres souvent, le principal obstacle au bonheur de ses enfants. Quand elles devient belle-mere. Dans ce role, elle ne porte plus le masque de saintete que la legende et le conditionnement culturel lui ont colle au visage. Elle manifeste plutot tous les aspects negatifs de l'influence maternel. Son amour suppose inconditionnel se transforme en un amour egocentrique. Qu'en est il de ces femmes qui violent leurs enfants, qui les abandonnent, qui les torturent, qui les mutilent? Collez leur l'etiquette "mere" et comme par enchantement elle deviendrons des saintes.

Sourire / * Smile.

"Docteur", dit la vieille dame, "j'ai des probemes avec mes gas. C'est pas bien grave, ils sont silencieux et ne sentent pas. Pour preuve ca fait deja 20 fois que je pete sans que vous vous en doutiez". " Je vois" dit le docteur, "prenez ces comprimes et revenez me voir la semaine prochaine". " Docteur", dit la vieille dame la semaine suivante, "je ne sais pas ce que vous m'avez donne mais mes pets, quoique toujours silencieux, puent terriblement. "Bien", dit le docteur, " maintenant que vos sinus sont degages, travaillons sur votre audition".

* "Doctor", said a little old lady, "I've this problem with gas, not a big deal but they never smell and are always silent". As a matter of fact, I've already farted 20 times without you noticing it. "I see", said the doctor, " take these pills and come back next week". "Doctor", said the lady the following week, " I don't know what the hell you gave me but my farts! Although they're silent, they stink terribly". "Good", said the doctor, " Now that we've cleared up your sinuses, let's work on your hearing".

Sunday, January 29, 2006

* L'evolution expliquee

* Evolution explained.

* Le Musee

Coventry's Transport Museum

*Le Musee du transport de Coventry

(R V Reeth pic.) All rights reserved.

* (R V Reeth pic.) Tous droits reserves.

* The Town Hall

Coventry's City Council Building.

* La mairie de Coventry.

(R Van Reeth pic.) All rights reserved.

*(R Van Reeth pic.) Tous droits reserves.

Friday, January 27, 2006






I renounce my human rights, as set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations.
1* By accepting human rights, my consent is no longer required for actions to protect these rights. It is in the nature of universal human rights that, once accepted, the invitation is extended to those with the power to protect me. These rights are de facto seen as something for which consent is unnecessary
2* In reality this has come to mean, that powerful states feel that they have been given a de facto invitation, to militarily intervene anywhere on earth. The logic of human rights facilitates military expansionism. Since they are considered a "right", no consent is necessary to declare them. Since they are considered universal moral values, no objection to their enforcement can be valid. And since they are universal, no person or group can opt out from this enforcement. In this way an ethic is created, in which a superpower can conquer the world, claim it had a moral duty to do so.
4* Any oppression can be reformulated as a so-called "right". In practice, the enforcement of human rights imposes a value system. The European liberal and capitalist tradition /the Anglo-American liberalism.
5* The meaning of "protecting human rights" has been expanded without my consent, and in a way which I can not control. By “agreeing” to have my human rights "protected" by those powerful enough to do so, I have submitted, in the end, to whatever form of protection they choose. The appropriate action is to renounce the system entirely.

6* If I accept that I may not renounce "rights", which were declared for me by others (before I was even born), then I have ceased to be a free individual with a conscience.

Thursday, January 26, 2006


Coupe d'Afrique des Nations. La Cote d'Ivoire en quart de finale. Courage les gars.

*African Nations Cup. The Ivory Coast in the 1/4 finals. Come on guys!




Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Waking up

07h20, je me leve, visage bouffi. je sais il est toujours bouffi mais la un peu plus.

Afro Art

Sculptures tombales(pieces verticales) Malgaches & masque de l'Ouest de la Cote d'Ivoire.

Mon Joel

Sans commentaires. No comment.

Excellent cuisinier.

Hari. Le magicien du gout. Hari, one of the greatest cook I've come across.

The Baobabs. Madagascar.

Baobab trees. One of the unique features of the African landscape. Le Baobab, une es characteristiques irremplacables du paysage Africain.


I'm usually not ill at ease when told to hold a particular posture for a pic. I guess I'm still not used to my appearence with these new reading glasses.

Monday, January 23, 2006


Symbols of an important part of my identity. Witness of a lost and tarnished culture. Relics of the past, I'll always bow before you.
Representation d'une dimension importante de mon identite. Grands masques d'Afrique, reperes qui se retranchent progressivement dans "l'obscurite" de la pensee et de l'esprit "moderne". Omnipresents dans l'imaginaire, la mythique et le subconscient de l'Afrique. Masques d'Afrique, temoins et vestiges d'une culture profanee, salie, metamorphosee, batarde. Je reste incliné devant vous.

Joel & Me,

"Cloatre street" quiet street. In front of Joel&Hari's house. Rue Cloatre, nous partions a la FNAC. Je crois. Sais plus.

In front of the digital camera

Dans le living room de Joel et Hari. En attendant le flash. First day in Reze. At Joel's

Avec ma tante Cecile, rue Ordener 18e, Paris.

10h47. Jeudi 19/01/06. Avec ma tante Cecile dans son salon de coiffure, manicure & pedicure dans le 18e a Paris. En route pour Nantes. On my way to Nantes. A quick stop to kiss my nanny and auntie Cecile. A self-made woman. Always a pleasure to see her.

Trentemoult, Reze. pres de Nantes. Reze, near Nantes.

La maison de Joel et Hari a Trentemoult. Laquelle? La jaune. Belles couleurs. My mate's house. A quiet and relaxing neighbourhood.

Hari and me / Hari & Kochyz

Avec un ami a Joel, Hari, francais d'origine malgache. Pres de la place de la petite Hollande, Nantes. Derriere nous les bureaux des commercants negriers de l'epoque. With Hari, in Nantes' city center. In the background, former offices of slave traders. Nantes is a beautiful city. The visual contrast with Coventry is unbelievable.

Sur le bord de Sevres(affluent de la Loire). Nantes.

Avec mon Joel, Ami de tres longue date. Un frere. A qui je rendais visite a Nantes. Me and Joel. One of my best mates. Our friendship dates as far back as 1991. A penfriend, a friend and then a brother. Love you man and always will. Nantes, France.

My seatmate

Il faut le faire. Une photo de mon seatmate entrain de dormir. Nous n'avons echange aucun mot pendant tout le voyage. Ca n'a pas empeche cette photo furtive, presque trahie par le flash. / No. he's none of my friends nor a relative. My seatmate on my way to Paris. A quick shot while he was deep asleep. Nearly betrayed by the flash.

Au dessus des nuages

Me voici au dessus des nuages! En route pour Paris, assis pres du hublot dans l'interet de mon blog. J'ai la trouille des hauteurs. Effort considerable pour regarder les nuages en dessous.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006


Emilie & the digital camera

Me & my digital camera

The novelty of owning a digital camera will surely wear off. I hope so. You too I guess.

first day of 2006

January 1st 2006. Remi finally Awaken comes downstairs showing off his sexy muscular body. (I know u r going to kill me for this pic & comment)

Cannelle must be wondering why I keep following her with that flashing box. This photo is roughly the seventh of the little tyke in less than 30 mns.

lucky picture

New year's eve with Jennifer and Cannelle. None of you will ever guess how lucky I was, as a photographer, to take a picture of Cannelle quietly accepting to be dressed. Christmas came twice for me.

The cutest look around

Not only this is the cutest look around but...yes you guessed it, also extremely investigative. This is Cannelle Ladies and gentlemen. Friends don't come better than this.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Christophe and Christelle. Two Jehovah witnesses friends. Great guys. We lunched together last sunday. They left around 18.00. We spent a great time together. They whole lives are driven by their faith. But open-minded enough to spend quality time with people like Emilie and I who have a radically different outlook on life. Ready to have them round anytime.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Friday, January 06, 2006

under the expertise of Remi Van Reeth

Hello Everyone!
I can't help thinking about the period before the Internet. I mean the period when it still was a private, sorry a military possesion. Our thoughts, ideas, feelings, tates, life, etc was only known to people close to us. The only way we could 'broadcast' anything about ourselves oustside our immediate cercle of relatives and friends, was throught the estabilshed media. Today the Internet gives us an equally powerful platform to voice our thinking. The blog is one of its tools. According to, a blog 'is a personal diary. A daily pulpit. A collaborative space. A political soapbox. A breaking-news outlet. A collection of links. Your own private thoughts. Memos to the world' or whatever you want to make of it. This message is intended to those of you mates, new to the concept of the Blog. A great idea, just embrace it. I first came across it in the Guardian newspaper(a UK daily broadsheet). But really grasped the concept when my mate Remi Van Reeth gave me a tour of his. Here we are taking advantage of the photographic skills of Jennifer, Remi's girlfriend. I know, one needs a dash of narcissism and/or exibitionism to allow total strangers(in some cases)to peer through the boundaries of our privacy. But this is part of the fun and inevitable if you want to share who you are with others. This message is my first real post. Remi is still overseeing the configuration of my blog since I still don't know what I'm really doing. Hey watch this space and above all, get ready for a lot of blah, blah, blah.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Cannelle sort de la douche/Cannelle out of the bath

avec jennifer